We are REOPENING in Summer 2021!
As the Government continues to reduce the restrictions in place for COVID-19 we are able to reopen our Holiday Clubs and offer a variety of sessions for you during the Summer holidays 2021.
Coronavirus - COVID-19
What we are doing to ensure we can continue to provide an operational service for you!
What we are doing to reduce the risks:
Cleaning all surfaces and equipment daily with antibacterial cleaning products.
Staff and children wash hands regularly with soap and water, especially after using the toilet, clearing up any bodily waste, being outside, before food preparation or eating food and after coughing or blowing noses.
Implementing the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ strategy for coughs and sneezes
Catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue
Put the tissue in the bin
Wash your hands with soap and water
No visitors on the premises.
Access to the premises restricted to the front door only for parents/carers at drop off and collection times.
Keeping up to date with current advice and information from government organisations regarding Coronavirus and informing parents/carers of any changes.
If any child or anyone in their household shows signs and symptoms of Coronavirus, they will be excluded from attending the Holiday Club